Fertility Supplements: Fact Or Fiction?

Fertility Supplements: Fact Or Fiction?

Are there any supplements that help boost fertility? Or are they just myths? Read on to find out which is backed by science and which are just placebos.

It is easy to turn to dietary supplements before medical treatments if one is facing fertility problems. They’re affordable, easily accessible at your local pharmacy, and their labels wax lyrical about the efficacy. 

But if supplements are such magic pills, everyone could get pregnant whenever they wanted to! Before you act on hearsay from your Wiki-friends and go trigger happy on supplements, get a handle on these types of supplements, and what to expect.


Vitamins and herbs

A visit to a pharmacy store or an online one would introduce you to a wide range of consumables. One popular name that comes up often is Maca (aka Peruvian ginseng), an edible root plant in its natural form. It reportedly improves fertility levels and libido in both men and women [1]

You’ll also find multivitamins that contain folate, an antioxidant that is linked to greater chances of pregnancy. While we’re spilling the tea on fertility supplements, you might want to know they’re being sold in the form of fertility tea too.

Or should we say, fertili-tea? 

Here are some common fertility-boosting ingredients found in these supplements.



Before you go ham on the oysters and dark chocolates, or any other foodstuff that resembles genitals, it may be good to note that there is limited scientific evidence to prove that consuming aphrodisiacs will lead to heightened sexual arousal, higher hormonal drive and improved pregnancy rates [2]

The irony is that the placebo effect (as it is attributed to) seeds the thinking that sexual desire will be greater after consumption — but hey, that is already a good start to make a baby!


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Compared to Western treatments, TCM focuses on holistic wellness as a means to treat infertility. The TCM physician may even prescribe lifestyle modifications to complement the treatments. Results may see improved blood flow to reproductive organs, reduced inflammation and a more restored balance to the body over time [3].


A parting word on supplements

As its name suggests, supplements are merely... supplementary. Don’t be putting all your eggs in one such basket! You should be aware that overdosing or mixing supplements, herbs and medication may expose you to health hazards. 

Your best bet is still to maintain a healthy diet and get your essential nutrients in an organic manner as much as possible. Your other best bet? Speak to your doctor if the supplements buffet and infertility are getting the better of you.  

Many studies done on the efficacy of fertility supplements and vitamins have ended up in inconclusive results on whether they truly help with pregnancy. If you’d like to bolster the supposed effects of supplements, consider complementing them with a suite of natural fertility aids from twoplus that include the Sperm Guide, Applicator and Hormone Test

[1] Shruti Beharry, Michael Heinrich, Is The Hype Around The Reproductive Health Claims Of Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) Justified?, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28811221/
[2] Mayo Clinic, Do Natural Aphrodisiacs Actually Work?, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/sexual-health/expert-answers/natural-aphrodisiacs/faq-20058252
[3] Thomson Chinese Medicine, How Can TCM Treatments Boost Fertility?, https://landing.thomsontcm.sg/fertility-treatments